Saturday, July 18, 2009

male gaze

merely my male gaze conforming towards expectation upon an implicit hegemonic norm as manifested in the exhibitionist tendency of the feminist that wanted me to look at her frontal lobes

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

G.I. Gurdjieff’s “Monsieur Ba’al Tells Stories to his Grandkid”

A summary of the work in 21st Century American.


Gurdie-J says that he speaks many languages and none of them to the point. He says he does this purposely because plain speech is for people who can’t think very well. This summary or translation of his work from his rambling dialogue into plain English is to help save anyone interested in him many hours of poring through his meandering verboseness. Some people made a movie of one of his other books and it was even more obscure than his writing. This summary will do a better job summarizing Gurdie-J’s writing than even any movie version possibly could hope to achieve. Or that is my intent.

Gurdie-J says his book is a red hot habanera pepper. If you don’t like it, he hopes that the bookseller will reimburse your money, but he doubts the bookseller will and he will not himself. Gurdie-J says Monsieur Ba’al is vainly subject to flattery in that he must take effort to have his tail curled so eloquently, as surely it could not curl naturally. This is why Gurdie-J believes M. Ba’al will be glad to have a book named for him.

He describes one of his basic life principles is when you’re to embark on a project, go whole hog with full postage and get the chips to go with it. He tells how he grew up in a small town with no dentist, so when he was punched in the face as a child and had an abscessed gum, he had to read up on it and treat himself. This event set a pattern of inquisitiveness for his life.

He then tells how the bell tower-ringer in a small town changed his life by cursing before ringing the bell. The bell-ringer realized that everyone was cursing him every morning, noon and night for disturbing them with the bell and so, by cursing them first, he somehow deflected their negative energy. Gurdie-J does not profess to using patchouli or tie-dying clothing, but this is not the sole point in his book whereby you wonder if he is a hippie.

Mister Ba'al's Tail tells Stories to His Grandkid Summary Chapter II
As a rebellious rapscallion, Mister Ba'al had rebelled against the laws of the King of All Things. He thought the rules didn't make sense and surely should not apply to him. He was a bit of a badass. His jail was Mars, where he was put to work for less than minimum wage observing "Ors", which is our solar system. He was pretty bored until people evolved. He eventually got time off for good behavior and was paroled to return to the center of the universe. At this time, his daughter Gorgon was going through a tough separation. Her ex-husband refused to move out of their house, in fact he refused to move at all, or rather he couldn't, because he had been turned to stone when Gorgon accidently opened her eyes while climaxing during the conception of their son, Hussein. So, Mister Ba'al brought his grandson along on his way to a conference aboard the old spaceship Karnak. Out of nostalgia, when a traffic jam arose, he decided to take the scenic road which passed by Earth. Trying to work out a movie script in his head, he started pitching story ideas involving Earthlings to his grandson. First though, he explained how the ship Karnak was fueled by dual rods of is and not is, or matter and anti-matter. Okey-doke! That's actually the summary of Chapter II and III.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 2:46 PM
Gurdjieff's Tail in a Betel-Shell Chapter IV
The Law of Falling - 

This chapter tells how his spaceship is powered. It is Gurdjieff's take on a perpetual motion machine. I'm not sure he offers this to make his story more plausible or put the reader into a suspension of disbelief about the 'truth' of the story. It seems he truly thinks his theory on physics is sound and wants maybe to be remembered for it someday if something like it happens to be true, or he wants to make it jargonny and mumblity jumblity enough to seem that he was really onto whatever future physicists eventually figure out.

This chapter in short is part of the 'grift'. That is, lots of people of the sort who may have spare money to give to Gurdjieff were very fascinated by the notion of a perpetual motion machine. It is appealing to have the description of a perpetual motion machine buried amongst a number of meandering stories containing bits of wisdom about humanity and pieces of history sometimes left out or described inaccurately in history textbooks. The matter of powering a ship is handled much better by Douglas Adams for Zaphod Beeblebrox's ship. (the infinite improbability drive).

The theory is that everything is falling to the bottom of the universe, but hermetically seal some amber in a tube and it will bounce around between the unified field of gravity created by various mass objects. Put that amber tube in your spaceship and push it in the right direction and the rest is simple mathematics, or complex mathematics depending on your gender.

That actually brings us up next to Chapter VII
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 1:31 PM
Gurdjieff Beetledung's Tales Chapter 7 ate Nine
In Chapter 7, Hassein, Beebledub's Grandson realizes he owes what he has to those who came before him and Beebledub says when you are waking each morning, remember to be self-aware and the rest will fall into place as you get older.

In Chapter 8, Hassein says humans have slimy skin and so he thinks of them as slugs. Beagledrug says, you'll regret saying that, because humans above all else know how to hate and this is perhaps their strongest psychic power - their hate projected can do harm. Which is why the All Powerful All Everlasting Goddoer put them at the edge of civilizations and exiled Bittledum there.

In Chapter 9, Gurdjieff thinks Beatledung is dumb enough to believe the moon fell off the earth after a comet strike which also buried dear old Atlantis under the water. And so Gurdjieff puts this theory in Beatledung's mouth. Another case of being proved wrong meaning nothing and if an odd chance showed him right, that'd be something. True to progenitors of the New Age, Gurdjieff puts forth that the denizens of Atlantis were on the true path to enlightenment when they were destroyed and humanity has never had it since. I note here that the Bible puts forth the proposition that the Great Flood drowned all the sinners. Scientists may point out cycles of polar glacial activity causing flooding.

In any event, what humanity has never had since Gurdjieff calls "Being-Reason", so maybe his batting percentage isn't all that bad all in all.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 9:20 PM
Beelzebub According to Gurdjieff Chapter 10
Chapter 10 - Why Men are not Men

Gurdie-J writes that men were put on Earth to help balance out some kind of cosmic tuning. The High Council gave humans an extra sense organ to confuse them so that they would not discover their purpose and become disgruntled and discontented. They set about disrupting the cosmic tuning in any event, although this sense organ is somewhat diminished. The organ caused humans to be compelled by pleasure rather than reason. This organ no longer exists, but humans continue in their old bad behaviors. In this chapter, for no apparent reason, Gurdie also says that his favorite beings of our solar system were the ravens of Saturn. I suspect it is like workmen carrying a pane of glass in a movie - look for it to involve hilarity at a later point.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 6:41 PM
Gurdie-J - B's Grandson's Tail Chapter 11
In which it is discussed what it would be like if God were a slug like one of us; wait, the Joan Osbourne lyric is actually, what if God were a slob like one of us. Just a stranger on the bus. 
Just trying to make his way home Like a holy rolling stone Back up to heaven all alone Nobody calling on the phone Except for the pope maybe in Rome.

I always thought it was "slug like one of us". Anyhow. Gurdjieff tells Hussein that if humans heard him calling them slugs they would use their evil unloving eye to anathematize him, not to mention other bad things of which only a race of self-important callous slugs would consider human to do to another being.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 9:49 PM
Ba'al'zee Buddy says to his grandson (chapter 12)
In which a writer reads "The Gospels" according to Mark Matthew Luther and John about Jesus (whom Beelzebub identifies as a Messenger from our ENDLESSNESS). The writer then says to himself, I can write a Gospel gooder than those old timers, so he does write something up he believes do so. Then, it being time for the rulers that be to put the fear into their subjects in that the rulers had screwed the country's pooch pretty well and needed give everyone someone to be mad at, so they banned this writer's otherwise forgettable prose. Which had the effect of course to make his work imminently popular though it did not do him so well. And thus, today, this writer is known as quite a genius among Earthlings, although not a one of them has actually read his works nor could they tell you what it was he wrote.

Gurdjieff does not identify the writer by name, but maybe Milton or William Blake.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 8:40 PM
Gurdjieff B-bub Spins a Yarn to the Chi'el of his Chi'el Chapter 13
In this chapter, Beelzebub explains that humans generally see no further than their own nose. Which is to say they do not think for themselves. What the nose has to do with thinking is unclear. But if Gurdjieff says it, it must be so, I shall consider the matter no further.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 6:36 PM
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson Chapter 14
In Chapter 14 we learn that humans send out and manifest bad vibes, which is why that after The Flood their lives are so much shorter. These bad vibes which humans radiate are called: egoism, self-love, vanity, greed, pride, self-conceit, credulity, suggestibility and so forth.

Beelzebub visited Earth 6 times which are described in the next chapters. These visits describe and explicate these bad vibes, their effects, causes and such.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 5:47 PM
B Tales to Grandson Chapter 15
B- bub goes to the Earth for the first time because one of his fellow exiles had settled in Atlantis and gotten into trouble with the King of Atlantis. As part of the book's theme, the trouble arises because of the manifestations or crystallizations of the maleficent organ called Kundabuffer, which though no longer functioning in humans, had the consequences of the organ remaining in their psyche. In this Chapter, the bad consequence is that people tend to only do what they are supposed to do out of fear of punishment by authorities, rather than any sense of duty to their fellow humans. The great King understood that he must rule by fear, but was chastised by B-Bub's buddy. The King then tried an experiment of rule by the sense of mutual obligation to fellow humanship, which of course failed miserably and B-Bub was called in to remedy the disaster. Upon reinstatement of the prior method of rule, people felt cheated and rebelled, destroying centuries of human achievement. B-Bub was required to get all of his fellow beings, complete with their tails and horns, to fill in key governmental posts until civilization in Atlantis returned to its regular past tempo
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 6:00 PM
beelzebub's tail chapter 16 - the relative understanding of time
time has no beginning nor end, but is only measured by beings in terms of things that happen; humans think all things that happen involve themselves somehow; this thinking then distorts all sense of everything that happens and thereby gives humans a relatively short lifespan compared to other cognizant beings of the universe
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 7:26 PM

Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson Chapter 17
B-Buddy says there are three universal principles. Holy Affirmation, Holy Denial and Holy Reconciling. B describes the Omnipresent Okeydoke. This is the process of learning. A being's learning affects and effects its behavior. This Holy trinity is impulse of body, consciousness arising from the brain and that these two things are joined together in a living body. Somehow or another, this explains how the Sun actually radiates, rather than emanates Sunshine. The Sun isn't like a fire giving light and heat, but the Sun is actually freezing cold and icier than the moon.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 6:32 PM
B Tales to Grandson Chapter 18
Beelzebub befriends the Guv'nor of Saturn, Herr Harharhar. Herr Harharhar made a machine which isolates all vibrations of the universe in a space. Using the most very scientific principle of "materials strive to rejoin together" he uses the isolated space to turn copper into any other metal, most particularly gold. The title of this Chapter is the "Arch-preposterous" and that is perhaps a clue to how ridiculously simple is this process. 

In any event, Herr Harharhar is eventually discredited for unrelated behaviors and Beelzebub neglected to make a copy of the machine to bring back to his home planet Karatas. However, anyone may take his word that the machine works. He is willing to take additional investors to help rebuild one of these machines based upon his excellent memory. Just a few dollars or so should fund a trip to obtain and return the necessary parts. It's in process.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 1:19 PM
Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson Chapter 19
Beelzebub says Earth is unlikely to get hit by a meteor again, but last time it did, threw the planet into bad equilibrium for a long while. As part of restoring true harmonic equilibrium, Beelzebub went to Earth to stop the religious practice of animal sacrifice. He does not discuss whether this practice was more humane than regicide (in which all of a King's court and slaves were buried alive with the King upon his death), however, he points out that God made the animals for a reason and it seems quite cruel to question God's wisdom by putting animals to a senseless death. Beelzebub convinces and converts a religious leader of his position. This religious leader ultimately manages to end the practice through his charismatic preaching. 

As with many humans who take Beelzebub's ball and run with it, so to speak, the preacher ends up martyred with a sad ending. At least his Earthly life had a sad end, Beelzebub is a material being and he doesn't address much this preacher's life beyond except to suggest the fellow was surely rewarded for his acts on Earth.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 1:28 PM
Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson Chapter 20
B-bub returns to Earth to further his work of stopping humans from going about killing things in the name of God. He finds that an ancient King had invented religion to keep his subjects from becoming opium addicts so that they could attend to their duties towards their fellow beings and thereby also keep society churning along in respect to the divine. Basically, this religion promised eternal reward in paradise for good acts and punishment in the afterlife for bad deeds. Due to the human disease of lying, this religion was spun out of control by those afflicted with this disease (called Liars) and people did silly things like believe eating an insect accidentally was a sin and that riding a donkey was against the will of the donkey and hence God. People then began praying whenever a donkey brayed, and those who would not pray with the braying of the donkey were flogged. 

This Chapter also discusses the people of Atlantis, but to no seeming relevance at this point.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 10:36 AM
B Tales to Grandson Chapter 21 and 22
Buddha freed himself from the crystallized consequences of the organ Kundabuffer to which all humans are subject. Again, the Kundabuffer is an internal organ which humans once had and no longer have. A holy council of God put the Kundabuffer in humans to keep them confused as to their purpose. Their purpose is to help tune cosmic space waves in their part of the Entirety of the Universe. The Kundabuffer continues to confuse humans because they have become accustomed to it's effects upon them. Kundabuffer is also known as kundalini, or something like it.

Once Buddha freed himself, he instantly had followers who contorted his explanations of how it works. One group that Beelzebub ran across in Tibet would free themselves through sensory deprivation and starvation. Beelzebub says that those people are not more divine than anyone else, although they are surely idiots. Beelzebub says that it is also surely idiotic to avoid drinking water lest a bug be in it or to walk on stilts to avoid stepping on bugs. Likewise, while sacrificing animals for no reason other than to please His Endlessness is stupid because this act truly displeases God who made animals for a reason of His Own, that to not eat animals is also probably overdoing it as well.

My editorializing is to suggest that God put animals on Earth at least in some small part for eating when necessary and good.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 6:21 PM
Two things are explained in this Chapter.

1. The real origin of Apes (it wasn't evolution): When Atlantis flooded, men and women fled and were separated. While they lived apart, men masturbated or engaged in homosexual practices. Women had sexual relations with dogs. This was a bad thing because sexual energy should only be used for reproduction of a like species at times determined appropriate by astrologers. Other animals time sex naturally. Humans can also, if they are so enlightened, use their sexual energy to 'coat' their spiritual body.

2. The descendants of Atlantis helped build Egypt. The Sphinx was there symbol of enlightenment. The body is a bull, representing the strength and tireless labor needed to break bad impulses and create good impulses. The legs are of a lion, representing the courage and mighty fight also needed. The eagle's wings means that you must soar above entrenched bad habits and bad compulsive thoughts to accomplish inner psychic beauty and self-respect. The head is as the breasts of a virgin afixed with amber and signifies the Love which should predominate always over our inner and outer consciousness so that the hopes of our Common Father shall be blessed.

3. Perhaps as the result of a psychic scar from prior worldly disasters, and perhaps not, nonetheless humans seem to have a need to destroy everything good they create, sooner or later.
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson Chapter 24
Beelzebub goes to Earth for the Fifth time. He lands in the Persian Gulf and heads to the center of culture, Babylon. Now, bear in mind, that the moon was 'catching up', having been newly formed, and had an imbalance. This imbalance caused winds on Earth which formed the Sahara desert. Meanwhile, the King of Babylon, wanted to make gold from lead. So, the King of Babylon captured all the brightest minds of the world and forcefully imported them to Babylon. This lust for gold is inherent in humans and important to their happiness as a result of a crystallization in their presence arising due to the loss of Atlantis.

The King of Babylon eventually became bored with the efforts to make gold from lead and simply proceeded to just take as much gold already existing as his armies could manage. All the brightest minds were still in Babylon though and began to like each other's company and engage in debates. One debate they thought up is the question of what happens when a human dies. Is there a soul everlasting, is there not?

One very wise man gave a speech in which he said that all this debating was essentially the same as building a tower in the middle of Babylon which would fall inward upon its own inanity. After the kingdom of Babylon did fall, the story of this wise man continued to be told, except that it was believed that there was a real tower. The wise man to his own credit had left Babylon and all the wise debating to become a corn farmer in the countryside.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 7:39 PM
B-Bud's Tail in Chappers 25 and 26
Faith Hope and Love. The real kind, not the kind most people have. The Brotherhood-Olbogmek keeps alive thoughts on Faith Hope and Love by His Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemeash. Olbogmek means, "There are not different religions, there is only one God." Ashiata as a young man meditated for three sets of 40 days in the deep woods. He escaped from the crystallized remains of the organ Kundabuffer and set forth ten principles which have been passed along through initiates. His initiates are not swindlers, like the initiates of all other supposed groups of initiates. Initiates are typically lured into believing clever stories of which Lucifer himself would be proud to have deceptively contrived. 

What passes for Faith in humanity has really grown from a seed in them of arrogance, pride, vanity, swagger and such. What passes for Love has really grown from a seed in them of pity, greed, sexual desire, masochism and such. As to Hope in humanity, this is truly the Terror of the Situation. True Hope has been paralyzed by the false hopes of slavery to emotional feeling or physical sensation which is in actuality a disease.

Humans hold some promise to overcome the barriers to true Hope, Faith and Love as they have to some small measure a conscientiousness. However, their conscience has been stymied by another disease called "tomorrow". The symptom of the "tomorrow" disease is that they believe they will strive to be better "tomorrow" until such time as it is too late and they are too old and feeble to do anything different than wonder what happened to their lives rather than to any longer change.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 9:54 PM
Beelzebub's Grandson's Tail Chapter 27
The very saintish Ashiata Shiemash began to bring people under his wisdom. They further spread his wisdom, as spreading wisdom was considered part of the wisdom itself. That is, if you can't explain your position to someone else and convince them of it, you are really not all that smart and maybe don't truly understand what you are talking about. The main point of Shiemash's wisdom though is for people to become truly conscious of what they do and how their minds works. Only upon accomplishing this can the full powers of their mind and being come into force for the benefit of themselves, humanity, the divine all knowing and the Universe, etc., and so forth.

The struggle to overcome desire in favor of good action is a hard won fight with many rewards so those who followed Shiemash's wisdom benefited and things were looking bright for humanity. Gurdjieff says that happiness itself arises from this conscious struggle. However, because struggle is work, people began to learn to let other people struggle while then claiming credit for other's work then slowly humanity lost Sincerity as a cultural trait. Deceitfulness has been passed along parent to child ever since, however, some ingrained goodness remains. This goodness typically shows up as Remorse, which is to say that people will typically do a good thing only after they have exhausted all alternatives which cause them no effort.

People end up fighting their Remorse in ways which are more problematic than doing good at the outset. They squash their Remorse of conscience with all kinds of addictions or abuses of power, usually labelled an 'ism'.

Not much is left of Shiemash's teaching, but this:

The road to true freedom is in the five being-obligolnian strivings - First is to give your body the physical needs of survival; Second is to self-perfect being; Third is to know what makes the world run and keeps it going which is to say knowledge and learning are good things; Fourth is to lighten the Sorrow of our Common Father (that is, to struggle against that which causes Remorse, rather than to squash the Remorse); Fifth is to assist others in their struggle to be free.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 2:50 PM
Gurdjieff Beelzebub Tails Chapter 28
There is a place in the Universe called Eternal Retribution. Only 313 beings from throughout the history of the Universe have been banished there forever. One is from Earth. The rest of us have potentially a chance at Remorse, Repentance and Self Reproach. 

Lentrohamsanin is this person's name. He was born an only child of very wealthy parents. The parents gained their wealth through fertility treatment. However, they themselves wanted to enjoy their money, so instead had several abortions prior to then in their middle life seeking an heir themselves. They did not use their own treatment of course, however they gave birth through chance and coddled the child with every advantage then known.

Upon adulthood, Lentrohamsanin sought fame and recognition, so he wrote a treatise on socieity inscribed to the largest parchment of animal skins ever made. It was heralded by the learned experts of the day. Called Universal Hasnassmuss, the treatise stated that individual independence was necessary for human advancement rather than interdependence. The treatise advised that the most popular should rule rather than the most competent. The treatise lead to many civil wars. A paper copy was handed down and later brought to Babylon. The wise Persian king knocked in the learned 'noodles' of the gathered experts of all kinds who embraced this doctrine, but he spared many who fled in exile and spread this diseased belief around the world.

Hasnassmuss leads to Naloo-osnian impulses:

1. depravity, conscious and unconscious; 2. satisfaction at leading others astray; 3. an urge to destroy others; 4. the urge to forego self actualization; 5. obsession with physical attractiveness; 6. self-contented use of what does not belong to them; 7. the striving to be what one is not.

This is the End of Book One of Beelzebub's Tail.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 12:25 PM
Chapter 29 fruits of former civilizations
Specifically, this chapter is about the fruits of ancient Greece and Rome. Not only did these cultures erase the works of loving Ashiata Shiemash around the region, but they atrophied the fundamental moral impulse of objective beings called 'organic shame'. 

The fishermen of Greece amused themselves during down times by a game called 'fiddle - faddle' or 'pouring the empty into the void'. One would think of an absurd proposition and others would then explain how it could actually be so. The winner was the most plausible.

The Roman shepherds on the other hand when grazing flocks afield would weather out storms together under shelter of crags and invented their own game when bored out on talk which is called cinque-contra-uno or five against one. Presumably each of the five men would pin down a limb of the one. A game which went relatively quietly until the wives got involved. Gurdjieff says that the wit of women at this game exceeded the all-universal arch-cunning of Lucifer himself.

(Note: this is one of several spots in the book where Gurdjieff makes clear that Beelzebub is by no means whatsoever the same being as Lucifer nor 'in league' with Lucifer.)

When the fiddle-faddle or science of Greeks merged with the arch-sexual depravity perfected by the Romans, humanity lost all sense of shame over sexually obsessive practices of every kind.

But, it took the Germans then to take even this to a whole another level. The Germans invented five chemicals which are only ever harmful and of less use than what nature gave us. Satkaine, designed only to kill. Aniline the basis of dyes which last only years rather than the centuries of old coloring elements. Cocaine which mimics the old organ Kundabuffer which God gave humans to keep them confused and in the dark. Atropine for beauty of the eyes which causes eventually advanced aging of the looks. Alisarine or fake sugar.

The English took things also to a whole another level, particularly with sports, but also with metal works (rather than chemicals like the Germans).

The Italians meanwhile like to eat sheep, a bit at a time, cutting off parts of the sheep over days while it slowly dies.

Because humans do not follow the path of consciousness which nature intended for us, our lives are measured by decades rather than centuries. We exist by the Itoklanoz principle rather than the Fulasnitaminian intended for us when the Kundabuffer was removed. As a result, if not having tuned our thought waves and being with the various energies of goodness around us, and because the amount of goodness around us depends upon goodness in others, our bodily system wears in many ways.

Gurdjieff depicts a thinking, moving and feeling center in people, each of which depends upon the other quite literally for a full life. People wear one of these down almost invariably in one way or another.

Finally, as to the Russians, surely the question of Russians goes throughout human history back to vodka.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 5:44 PM
Chapter 30 Beelzebub's Tails - Arf
Art was originally made to hide the secrets for training initiates on their way to all-round enlightenment. Initiates are those being trained in the divine teaching of Ashiata Shiemash.

The reason for hiding the secrets in Art was because of the invariability human developments destroying other human developments. Of kings and leaders destroying and manipulating spiritual teachings into religions of their making then destroying any local civilization becoming civilized and particularly destroying anyone advancing spiritual knowledge which they do not understand or at all runs contrary to their power.

The secrets were hidden by calculated variances from the law of sevenfoldness infused into the various Art forms. The Art forms were developed in Babylon by a group of learned people called Adherents of Legominism, who chose to focus on a different form each day of the week.

Monday is for civil and religious ceremony. Tuesday is for architecture. Wednesday for painting. Thursday for dance. Friday for sculpture. Saturday for mysteries/theater. Sunday for music and song.

The elaborate intricacies of the secrets entwined into the Art forms has largely been lost. The practitioners are mostly egotists without much of a clue as to the secrets within.

Novel writers are pansies. Movies foster delusions, actors are over glorified a-holes. Art has become fashion.

The last artist to truly make effort and progress towards deciphering the Legominism lawful inexactitudes form sevenfoldness in ancient Art forms is Leonardo da Vinci.

At this point, the ship Karnak reaches Revozvradendr.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 6:34 PM
Beelzebub's Grandson Tail Chapter 31
Chapter 31 is called the Sixth and Last Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth.

Given what he thinks of us, some may say thank the Lord!

Apparently that is also what he said about coming here.

What I wonder is why there are so many pages of the book left. We are less than half way through a book about Beelzebub's experience with Earth and we're to the chapter on his last visit. Maybe it is like the last two minutes of a pro football game, which lasts longer than the first 58 minutes, or seems to in any event.

And in any event, if I continue to insert side comments, I will not make my goal of narrowing Gurdjieff's tome down to 42 pages. Imagine then, that this is all in a very small font.

In this chapter, Beelzebub becomes a medical doctor. He does this after believing he is the first being to wonder about the meaninglessness of war. He suggests that wars would not last so long nor result in so many deaths if people had to kill each other face to face. Apparently he wrote this section before the concentration camps of WWII.

He then goes on to describe the many languages of Earth as emblematic of each of humanity's societies mutual need to destroy other societies unlike another. Language scientists produced "Esperanto" as a common language without noticing that languages must evolve naturally through use.

Meanwhile, as has been described earlier, humans have become less sincere and thus have impulses towards self remorse with which they are unable to cope. Hence, they further divide themselves into castes, so that they can then pretend to be superior or inferior to others. They do this in that the resulting energies suppressed must come out somehow.

Beelzebub decided to become a physician in as much as it allowed him to travel and interact freely without being come subject to the expectations put upon various castes, or at least he saw this as the best way to proceed during that time period.

He then discovered that apart from setting bones and putting ointment on burns, that for most other ailments, physicians had co-opted folk herbal remedies as had been passed down among old women. The result is and was pharmaceutical pills.

Such pills and medications, are proved to work by scientists who like to reaffirm the results they give each other. The pills are prepared by pharmacists who know from practice that in most situations one pill is as effective as another, or more precisely that the effectiveness of a pill most often is a directly related result from the belief of the person taking the pill that it is an effective one.

Hence, most pharmacists typically prepare the common remedy Dover's powder with burnt sugar, soda powder and a minute dose of quinine. There in fact would not be enough opium in the world to make the derivative necessary for real Dover's powder.

No doctor nor pharmacist would ever want to rock this boat.

I compare this situation to the amount of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee that there is sold in America. That is, several thousand more pounds of Jamaica Blue Mountain is brewed each year than is grown or can possibly be grown on the Jamaican Blue Mountains.

Beelzebub's assistant Ahoon then relates a story in which he went to find a doctor to help deliver a baby for a woman in the hotel flat next to him. He went about with his limited language skills in Germany asking for a doctor. After being directed to a psychologist and philosopher, he found a medical doctor, by which time of course the woman had delivered the baby just fine without assistance, and Ahoon was quite distressed that he had spent his time hurrying about when he could have attended to her comfort and well being.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 4:16 PM 
Chapters 32 & 33 I been hypnotized by Beelzebub, or so it seems...
Of all sentient beings in the universe, only humans have no awareness of their whole consciousness such that hypnotism can even exist. Nonetheless, it is an effective practice considered charlatanism because Dr. Mesmer (from Austria-Hungary) was precisely so effective in curing common ailments caused by the illnesses of thought described in the prior chapters. Due to their learned and ingrained thought patterns, people like to pick apart anyone who is successful, particularly if that success is as a result of challenging those thought patterns. People are different people in their subconscious and sleeping states. Love, faith and hope can not help but exist in the subconscious where it is ordinarily denied and repressed in the waking state. The hypnotic state primarily allows people to enter in the state of awareness of these and consequently serves to bring the body back into natural harmony. The actions of these upon the body is the Fulasnitamnian principle. Abbot Pedrini and Doctor Bambini were subsequent important figures in rediscovering hypnotism. However, Darwinism & theosophism, among other ism's led to psychoanalysis and humanity since has wandered further far afield from understanding themselves. 

As a practitioner of hypnotism, Beelzebub found it rather easy to cure opium and like addictions. People would instead learn to love Turkish tea.

Later chapters will address the evils of coffee, which is no match to tea (called Tchai kanas) also Egypt and the Great Ancestors will be explained. Stay tuned.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 7:32 PM
Thirty Four the Ruskies
Beelzebub moves to St. Petersburg at the request of a friend from there who wants the pointy tailed one to help him cure alcoholism with hypnotism. Russians are like turkeys and no amount of German dye can turn them into peacocks. The turkey is a tasty bird, very useful that has no business being other birds, particularly fancy European peacocks. Which is why they drink so much vodka. 

Mr. Reptile-skin seeks to set up his substance abuse counseling lab, but finds that he can not obtain the proper permits, due to an endless run-around given him by the local authorities who do not like to grant permits to non-locals. That is, not until his friend gains him a meeting with the Tsar Oldassnik. After a days initiation by the Tsar's PR flunky and a short meeting with an ambassador who engages Beelzebub solely about the antiques he's amassed and not at all about his purposes in Russia, the meeting is held. The permits are promptly granted and people begin calling him sir and the local authorities very pleasant all around.

Russians, like most of humanity observe holy days as days of cosmically spiritual significance. They observe these days of universal harmonium via eating large and drinking larger.

In their efforts to be more like the Europeans, they eschewed their native chewing gum (keva) as bumpkinish. This was at the expense of their dental hygiene, as traditional unsugared gum chewing tends to clean the mouth and teeth. Russians have a number of other traditional rites of daily living they have given up, for example, steamy saunas. Having done so, they now stink (at least at the time Beelzebub was relating this tail of his).

Then there are the Bolsheviks, who knowing nothing about ruling, determined to rule. The Bolsheviks did manage to gain the attribute of rulers termed "vainly to grow indignant".

Don't forget the lessons of the 24 dynasties of Egypt (early and middle periods), that is, that every new dynasty took over quite unpleasantly for the previous dynasty. The gruesomeness of the Egyptians Pharaohs pales before the tyranny of the Bolsheviks.

To sum the chapter, due to their many ingrained character failings, humans tend to lose any good habits they happen to gain through fortuity or the hard work of their forbears.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 1:05 PM

SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2011
B-Bub Tales Ch. 35, 36
Chapter 35 is "A Change in the Appointed Course of the Falling of the Transspace Ship Karnak"

They decided to stop by Purgatory to see Beelzebub's son and to Deskaldino to see his old mentor. They will have to navigate through a solar system with obstacles.

Chapter 36 is "Just a Wee Bit More About the Germans"

Germans are heirs to the Greeks in their scientific development. Beelzebub thereby asks his grandson to 'mentate' on why the Germans like to sing a song at festivals that goes: Nonsense, nonsense, you are my joy. Mindlessness, Mindlessness, you are my desire.

Beelzebub also seems troubled by German grammar in which someone states that something is so, but ends the thought with 'nicht'. He finds that this gets him all psyched up by what the person is saying, until they get to the part where they say "NOT".
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 1:32 PM

MONDAY, JULY 4, 2011
Gurdjieff B's Tail Chapter 37
France. The country folk of France are in truth quite virtuous. France gained a reputation for degeneracy from people all over the world who like to go to Paris and be degenerate. B-bub went to Paris and all the degenerates he met at the degenerate meeting places were degenerating from other countries.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 12:19 PM

Gurdjieff B-buddy Chapter 38 Religion
There are five religions. Hindu, Buddhist, Moslem, Christian and another one. All were started by the Almighty as a clue for Earth people to live full conscious lives and to complete the preservation of their eternal spiritual consciousness. All religions have gone astray. 

The Lord's Supper was a rite in preparation for bringing back Jesus to finish his teaching from the plane beyond physical existence. Because Jesus's being body was fully coated spiritually, he could be reached upon readiness by his adepts yet on Earth. It was Judas, the most faithful and true of Jesus' followers, who made sure this happened properly. (Gurdjieff notes this is contrary to most present day teaching about Judas). This ritual was also attempted for the last true Dalai Lama after he was killed by European insurgents. Unfortunately, his adepts had not prepared and they were unable to reach him. All the essential teachings about becoming a complete adept were thereby lost forever. This was the last of the true teachings. Gurdjieff does not here comment on whether there will be any future learned beings sent.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 4:46 PM

BTTHG Chap 39 The Holy Planet "Purgatory"
Purgatory is a beautiful planet, the most beautiful in the Universe, with the most beautiful flowers, fauna, creatures and creations of all kinds. the ALL-LOVING ENDLESSLY MERCIFUL AND ABSOLUTELY JUST CREATOR ENDLESSNESS has seen fit that no one living there pays much mind to the beauty. everyone there comes from all over the Universe to perfect their souls. it has become the perfect vacation spot for Our COMMON FATHER CREATOR ENDLESSNESS. the residents of Purgatory are those who almost reached enlightenment on their planet of origin, but not quite, so they are all each and everyone entirely engaged with finishing their way to such perfection. 

You may think of the monks of Earth by comparison, but you would be wrong. Mostly the monks of Earth are just engaged in a folly having a purpose long forgotten or obscured.

Another idea set forth is that the food we eat by which we nourish our bodies should also nourish our souls, should we be diligent in our duties as beings of the Universe and conscious of the processes by which we engage the Universe in our beingness.

{no where is it explained why "Purgatory" is in quotations}
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 3:37 PM

Gurdjieff review Chapter 40
Chapter 40 is titled, "Beelzebub Tells How People Learned and Again Forgot About the Fundamental Cosmic Law of Heptaparaparshinokh". Heptaparapashinokh is the Law of Sevens. The Law of Sevens is that all thing have seven parts, or centers. Music, color, art, architecture, matter, smells, flowers, atoms, you name it, it has seven particular vibrations. The vibrations equate across. The fourth vibration of color equates to the fourth vibration of sound (and so forth). The patterns are of a design inherent in all things. The people of Atlantis had these sevens further delineated into multiple portions of seven, as each one of the seven vibrations can be divided into seven more vibrations, then those into seven more (and so forth). A couple of Chinese guys sort of got close to noticing this, as did a few other folks here and there since the age of Atlantis. But basically, people today have no clue and are too dense and too self-involved to even look further. Too bad for them. So says Beelzebub, particularly in regards to his Earth piano, which really just sort of fakes the seven centers as derived out from a cycle of fifths.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 7:28 PM

Chapter 41 Be elzebub's Tail > The Bokharian Dervish Hadji Asvatz Troov
Though Bukhara is east of the Caspian Sea, and Gyumri (Gurdjieff's hometown) is west, this title character of Chapter 41 is perhaps an alter ego of Gurdjieff in human form rather than the guise of Gurdjieff in aspects of the title character of the book. In the north mountains of Uzbekistan Beelzebub found a cave where the Hadji Asvatz Troov was living and conducting experiments regarding sound vibrations. The cave had a secret entrance and the experiments showed that carefully engineered combinations of sounds can produce healthful, harmful and/or interesting affects upon the average human. The reason this works is that bodies and beings are composed of vibrations.

After an experiment effecting no result upon Beelzebub, he finds himself in an awkward position not being able to reveal his true identity to the good dervish in front of his traveling companion (due to their different levels of enlightenment). Then Asvatz Troov tells about his former young colleague who was inspired to cure his wife of disease, however, he was unable to complete the work in time for her. The cave is powered by an interesting combination of stream and natural gas generated electricity which the former lab partner helped make, but he left upon proving the cure too late. Thereby, this chapter has an undertone of actual sadness revealed in Gurdjieff.

An aspect of this undertone to be elaborated more fully in Chapter 42 is shown in Gurdjieff's description of why wild animals attack humans. They sense the cowardice of humans which is in itself a danger to their being. Cowardice being an unnatural impulse disrespectful to the functioning of all beings. The urge to destroy a being emanating cowardice is not to take advantage of weakness, but to preserve a natural peace and concord of beingness.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 5:04 PM

SUNDAY, MAY 13, 2012
Chapter 42 Beelzebub Breakfast in America
In which Beelzebub explains that Americans are money-chasing, chronic masturbating, white bread eating, slaves to fashion, who don't clean their genitalia well and think putting food in tin cans is tasty while in reality it is poisonous.  They also don't know how to talk about sex with their children and think they invented everything, including many things previously discovered by prior civilizations.  Americans are obsessed with external appearance but have little internal honorable values.  They all want to be authors or music video directors but don't  have any ideas worthy of looking at even once.  Why every other culture wants to be like them is abnormal and absurd.  Also, he had some good times in New York City and asks his grandson to think of him if he ever visits there. 
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 1:36 PM

TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012
Beelzebub's Tail Chapter 43
Chapter 43   Beelzebub's Survey of the Process of the Periodic Reciprocal Destruction of Men, or Beelzebub's Opinion of War

People feel a need to kill each other because they don't well know how to live.

Also, because women roam freely among men during menstruation.

(Gurdjieff writes many things like this last bit, which may or may not detract from comments like the former.  He surely believes that there are several social traditions or practices of the past in particular cultures which were beneficent.  Perhaps I will at some point write comments or entries upon these, but these blog portions are meant as much as possible to be only summaries, not interpretations, of his text.  I include such in these summaries because I find them both interesting and integral to his writing.)
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 12:52 PM

MONDAY, JULY 16, 2012
Beelzebub's Tail Chapter 44
This chapter is entitled, "In the Opinion of Beelzebub, Man's Understanding of Justice Is for Him in the Objective Sense an Accursed Mirage".  A man named Makary long ago in Atlantis coined the terms good and evil.  He could not foresee that after the Flood and many centuries, his writing on the topic would be so strangely misconstrued.  By 'good' he meant the creative issuing force from the Prime Source.  By 'evil' he meant the force of the matter thus created striving towards reblending with the Prime Source.  The third reconciling force is the "clash everywhere and in everything of these two fundamental descending and ascending independent forces".   Since discovering Makary's writing on a scroll buried in Egypt, humans have developed 'laws', 'morals', and 'politics' to organize society quite selfishly by twisting these powerful principles towards their own various malevolent purposes.

Dear sweet Uncle Tooilan studies the stars, Venus and Mars are alright tonight.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 10:23 AM

Chapter 45 BBTTHGS
Chapter 45, "In the Opinion of Beelzebub, Man's Extraction of Electricity from Nature and Its Destruction During Its Use, Is One of the Chief Causes of the Shortening of the Life of Man"

That, and it is also interfering with the ability of the beings living on Mars and Saturn to perfect their souls.  And then it was time to eat.

I've said before that I attempt here to summarize, not explain, Gurdjieff.  This is a particularly good idea for this chapter.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 12:11 PM

"Beelzebub Explains to His Grandson the Significance of the Form and Sequence Which He Chose for Expounding the Information Concerning Man"

If you give people the proper information and let them arrive with perspective on their own, it is much more meaningful for them.  When you learn new things, let them sink into your whole awareness before jumping to the next lesson.  
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 6:21 PM

Gurdjieff Georges, BBTHG chapter 47
Chapter 47 in which Beelzebub is forgiven for his sins of youth, so gets his horns back then the horns prove to be 5 forked, indicating he has reached the level of Podkoolad, very rare indeed, yet two levels of enlightenment beyond him remain and in which Beelzebub explains to young Ahoon that the beings of Earth may yet be saved from their ill bent egoism if by some means or measure there would be implanted in them constant cognizance of the fleeting physical existence of not only their own selves, but of everyone they know.
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 9:55 AM

And takes it to go.

Chapter 48, at long last.

In which Gurdjieff gives a from the author closing in the form of one his more popular introductory lectures to his view of developing awareness.

He describes there are men and then there real men.  Real men know there is a horse, a carriage, a coachman and a passenger.  The body of a man is the carriage.  Functioning and manifestation of feeling are of the horse.  The coachman is conscious mentation and the passenger is the "I".  All function together as well as you have them do so, which for most people is incompetently as they putter about their lives from stimulus to stimulus, but for real men is awareness and diligence as to the duties of each part.

Gurdjieff adds a section to the above, which is fairly simply that now he has finished the book, he intends to drink several bottles of well preserved reserve liquids bottled by monks very knowledgeable in the art of preserved reserve liquids.  It makes it much easier for gorgeous Georges to listen to the drabble which dribbles from most humans mouths as a pretense of social conversing.  
Posted by Stu Camenzind at 5:24 PM